
As a therapist, I offer my clients, a warm, integrative style. This means I draw from various modalities and tools to suit your needs. At the heart, I believe in your innate strengths, self-determination, and self- and community liberation. I also believe in the power of healing relationship-based wounds (attachment) and systemic wounds (such as those stemming from oppression). Drawing from scientific research, I help you examine negative thinking patterns and shift them to more helpful ones (cognitive behavioral therapy [CBT]). I can help you identify your core values and take steps aligned with what's really important to you (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy [ACT]).

I believe that our bodies and brains have amazing capacities to adapt to stress and trauma. These survival mechanisms, however, can affect how we behave and see ourselves, other people, and the world. In treating trauma and stress, I skillfully and compassionately use techniques that activate the brain, mind, and body to metabolize stuck, unprocessed trauma and help restore a sense of power and calm, and apply new, empowered meaning to life’s challenges. In my toolkit are Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Brainspotting, Somatic Embodiment and culturally-rooted, decolonial approaches (informed by intuition, spirituality,  liberation psychology, Pinayism, Sikolohiyang Pilipino, and Babaylan Studies.

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Consultation and Coaching for Therapists and Healthcare Professionals

The intersecting pandemics of COVID-19, racism, and climate crisis forced us to pause and reflect. As therapists and healthcare professionals, we faced unprecedented stress and trauma at work while managing pandemic life at home. Professionals and leaders of color likely felt even greater burden. As we re-emerge post-pandemic, we are invited to examine our lives and inflect. What shifts would you like to make to make your life more sustainable, more joyful, and more authentic?

I offer consultation and coaching for therapists and healthcare professionals, tailored to your needs. Example topics include: Clinical Case Consultation, Cultural Case Formulation, Navigating Oppressive Work Environments, Asian American and Pacific Islander Psychology and Family Issues, Leadership Development and Career Vision, Spirituality, Complex Trauma and Somatic Therapy, and Radical Holistic Wellness for Clinicians.

Workshops & Online Courses

I teach interactive workshops in the virtual space that incorporate mind-body modalities, the arts, and radical imagination. Some of my previous clients are tech companies, non-profit organizations, and government and educational agencies. Contact me today about workshops and courses.

Dr. Celestial in the Media